Here is the inspiration for the design of Charlie’s badges. Although Charlie McColgan drew inspiration for the design of the badges from the statue shown in the photo, we must NEVER forget that the inspiration for the idea was purely, simply and totally Charlie’s!
I, and many others, would like to be a part of this venture, and we will do everything in our power to make it succeed, now and in the future. But, we cannot claim any part of the credit for the original idea (much as I and my Brothers-in-arms would love to).
Charlie, and only Charlie, came up with the idea of doing “something” for the wonderful children who lay the flowers on the graves of the fallen, each year, at Arnhem. For this we must give him the total credit he deserves.
I would ask all my Airborne brothers, Supporters and friends to always, in the future, to refer to the badges as “Charlie’s badges“, so that we forever remind people that our very own Charlie McColgan, ex 9 Sqn, Falklands veteran, had a brilliant, wonderful and inspirational idea….and he followed up with action to make it happen.
We’ll done Charlie McColgan