Group Riding Basics

Group or not to group…that is the question


One of the best parts of meeting up again is the chance to ride as a group.  That said, the decision to ride in a group, or to ride solo, is an individual’s own decision.  We welcome riders to join us, but leave them to decide

The rules for a solo rider are simple…Rule No 1: you are totally responsible for yourself and your safety.  No problem there then!

When you ride in a group it is tempting to believe that someone else is responsible.  They are not!.  Rule No 1 still applies.  You are totally responsible.  Ride your own ride, within your own experience and capability.

So, what is the difference?

The difference is that, riding in a group, there is an additional responsibility to your fellow riders.  There is a leader and a tail end Charlie.  Think of it as a patrol.  In a patrol, you work as a team, but are still individually responsible.  I think this is why we veterans do enjoy group riding.

The “leader” is not “the boss” he is the leader.  He rides at the front, navigates and signals and leads the group.  He is the “Road Captain”